Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Repairing your old car VS Replacing your old car

Repairing an old car can become very pricey. It can be expensive trying to keep up with the maintenance on an old vehicle. Sometimes simple oil changes can rack up hundreds of dollars because of the numerous other things that mechanics have found while changing your oil. After repeatedly paying these high repair bills, you start to think that you should just purchase a new car instead of pouring money into an older model car. But would you come out cheaper with a newer car, or will it be worth it to continue fixing your old car? Here are a few things you should ask yourself: 

Age and Mileage: What is the age and mileage of the older car? This is important because the age of the car and the mileage on the car would help determine how much and how often the car would need to be repaired.

Vehicle Maintenance: Have you kept the vehicle well-maintained? Have you kept up with oil changes, tune-ups, and replacing car parts as needed? This will also help determine your vehicle repairs.

Reliability of Make and Model: What is the make and model of the vehicle that you have? Some vehicles are more reliable than others and are able to reach 200,000 miles with no problem. A little research on the make and model of your vehicle and its reliability will help you determine whether you should purchase a car that will stand the test of time.

Repairs VS Market value: The repairs that are needed on your vehicle, do they exceed the market value for the car or does it make sense to get the repairs fixed on a vehicle that is worth the trouble.

Using these factors to determine whether you will repair your old car or buy a new one will help you get the most out of your money and your car.

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Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575