Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Do gravel truck companies have to pay for your chipped windshield?

If you’re driving down the road and your windshield gets damaged by a rock flying off a gravel truck, you may very well wonder who is going to pay to repair of your car.

The short answer is that gravel truck companies are normally not obligated to pay for unintentional damage.

Who Is Responsible?

This type of incident is usually considered an unintentional road hazard, or collateral damage, especially if it occurs inside a construction zone. It isn’t normally classified as an accident, as with a hit-and-run.

Therefore, the other party is not responsible for damage to your car or other property unless you can prove some type of negligence or malicious purpose on the part of the company or the driver. For example, if you can show that the gravel was not tied down properly, that would imply that someone was responsible.

Insurance Issues

You should check first with your insurance company. If you have comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, your windshield repair may very well be covered already. This sort of damage would not be paid for under liability coverage because no one is considered to be at fault. If you have a deductible, however, you may have to pay that first.Your agent may actually advise you against taking any action against the gravel truck company, and just go ahead and file a claim with your insurance company.

Whether or not this raises your rate often depends on the conditions of your insurance contract, but some companies do not penalize you for this type of damage. If it does, you may want to pay for it yourself out-of-pocket to avoid additional fees.

To Pursue A Claim

If you do have proof that the gravel truck company or its driver was negligent, like a phone image of a load that wasn’t well secured, you should contact the company first. Its representatives may know of existing issues and be prepared to pay. You’ll need to know the identity, such as a license plate number, of the vehicle in question.

Also, having a police report in hand helps. If the company does not express a willingness to settle, you may be forced to take your issue to small claims court if you want relief. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that this route will give you the result you desire.

So, in general, gravel truck companies are not liable for your windshield repair. It probably is not worth the trouble, money, and time to pursue a claim unless you have the means to prove there was recklessness or malice intended.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.

1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Dangers of Auto Insurance DRP’s

So your car has been in an accident and it needs repairs. You’ve filed a claim with your insurance provider and followed all the correct steps. Your insurance provider offered you a Direct Repair Program or DRP body shop who they will deal with directly. It seems like a good choice right?

Not always. DRP body shops have often been known to cut corners when repairing your vehicle. This spares them expenses and time of your repair.

Direct Repair Program

DRP programs were developed by insurance providers to shrink their costs of collision and body repair. To make sure that a steady flow of work from referrals comes in, the shop usually accepts lower labor rates and shorter procedures and quality checks. As an example, they might agree to use lesser parts in order to make sure that the insurance company pays less for a repair. Additionally, other typical repair procedures may be left out by the shop so that the job can be completed faster and in a more inexpensive manner.

Going with a Repair shop that doesn’t cut corners

When you are deciding which body shop to go to based on estimates, think about this: Insurance DRP estimates are generally lower because they take shortcuts like not blending adjacent panels for a color match or using non manufacturer parts for all parts of the repair. Go with a shop that uses tried and true methods like fully color matching repaired auto body panels and using the highest quality auto parts available for repair. The estimate might be higher but the repair will be safe and help your vehicle last longer.

A good auto body repair shop is not focused on the “quicker is better” mantra. For example, to save time a DRP shop will often tape of moldings and emblems instead of taking them off the vehicle. This is faster but it can result in a raised paint line running over the length of the molding or handle. This is not the correct way to handle that repair. Insurance companies should want to reduce costs but not at the expense of your vehicles value and long-term life.

D&I Body Shop, your trusted source for high quality repairs

At D&I Auto Body, we will never compromise the value of your vehicle with inferior or dangerous repairs. By the time you turn your lease in or trade in your car, the dealer will recognize the difference between a good and bad repair. The price they offer you for your car will be reflected in it. So don’t accept inferior repairs and come to D&I body shop.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.

1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Restoring Classic Cars with Quality Paint & Body Work

Some people golf and others play tennis, but if you're a car lover, restoring a classic car to it's previous glory can be a huge, yet totally rewarding, undertaking.

While you may be an expert at getting that engine revving and lovingly restoring that leather interior, there are some things that are best left to the experts.

Hammering out dents and dings from years of service and getting a custom paint job can mean the difference between a beautiful, classic ride and a clunky old beater. So which jobs are better left to the pros?

Automotive Body Work

While you may consider yourself an expert at getting that old car beautiful again, there are just some dents and dings that you can't fix. They may have been long-standing problems that will require some sanding to get rid of rust, or they may be large enough where your home tools just won't do the job. Make a list of what needs looking at and visit your trusted professional auto body shop. They will be able to give you an estimate on the costs and go over with you exactly what needs to be done.

Restoring A Paint Job

If your classic car has seen its share of road time, chances are it may be suffering from fading, scratches or other elements that can take away from its original paint job. However, that doesn't mean you have to live with it. Getting a classic car a gorgeous new paint job can immediately make the car look showroom new. Additionally, why not think about some added details, such as pinstripes, flames or other elements that will really set your wheels apart from the others.

There's a saying that if you're going to do a job right, do it yourself. However, this isn't true when it comes to restoring a classic car to its former glory. Calling in the professionals to ensure you get the best look is never a bad idea. When you're planning a classic restoration job, be sure to leave room in your budget to consult with the pros. They may even have ideas and suggestions that you haven't even thought about.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Friday, July 18, 2014

Had an accident? Ways to tell you need serious auto repair

Having to pay for serious auto repair after an accident can be a huge loss to those who can’t afford the deductible or are without insurance.

While driving your car after an accident without getting it repaired can seem like a good idea, there may be underlying problems that your car could have sustained in the accident. Here are a few ways to tell your car may need serious auto repair after an accident:

Your car drives different

Whether you were in a minor fender bender, or a pile up accident; if your car drives differently than it did before the accident, then you may need serious auto repair. If your car looks like the bumper may have been dented, but after the accident you hear weird sounds or your car is driving different than before, then you should get your car checked out with an auto body specialist. The accident that you think is minor could have been major for your car, so save yourself a few bucks in the long run and get your car checked out before it turns into something serious.

Your car is making sounds

If your car is making a sound that you don’t recognize after an accident, then you should get it checked out by an Atlanta Auto Body Expert. When a car makes unusual sounds that is the car’s way of telling you that you need to get something checked out. While that fender bender may seem like it did minimal damage, it could have actually done more damage than you think. When you ignore small car problems and sounds that your car makes, in the long-run it could turn into something worse so you should always get it checked out immediately. You want your car to last as long as it possibly can and one way to do that is to get problems fixed as soon as they occur.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Friday, June 6, 2014

Ways to Revitalize the Look of Your Car

Have you found yourself dreaming of a shiny new car lately? Do you feel like you're falling out of love with your current set of wheels because it's just not what it used to be looks-wise? Don't plunk down your hard-earned cash for a new car just yet -- chances are, your current ride just needs a bit of a face lift. By taking a little time to give your car a little TLC, you might be surprised at how much life your automobile has left in it. So where's the best place to start?

1) Dent Removal

As your car goes through it's normal life, chances are it's going to get a bit of wear and tear just from normal road conditions. Extreme temperatures, minor fender benders and even salt and grit during the winter months can all leave their mark on your car, making it look less than impressive on the road. Instead of learning to live with those small dents and scrapes, why not get them fixed? Removing those dents and dings helps to get rid of those wrinkles of age your car might be showing, leaving you with a showroom-fresh looking car.

2) Paint Job

As you car spends most of its time outside, it's only natural that its paint job may fade with time and exposure. The harsh sun and other weather conditions can cause fading, and a general less-than-shiny appearance. Additionally, you might have bought that color that was hot back in the early 00's and might be looking for something a little more updated. Getting a quality car paint job for your car can breathe new life into it, making it shine like new.

3) Headlight Restoration

Not every element of getting your car up-to-scratch has to be expensive or time consuming, either. In fact, something as simple as getting a simple headlight restoration can really improve your car's looks in very little time. Have you noticed that your headlights are looking a bit foggy or frosty? This comes with natural wear on your car, and small scratches that you're not even able to see. A headlight restoration will have it looking like you've had a new pair of headlights put in, and the results can be surprisingly uplifting for your car's overall appearance.

Before you elect to ditch that set of wheels, try looking into what you can do to improve its looks first. Things you can do range from the simple to the more involved, but the results are sure to impress. Speak to your car professional today for all the latest ideas.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Monday, May 19, 2014

Auto Glass: The Manufacturing Process

Have you ever wondered how the glass in your car is different from the glass that’s fitted to the windows of your home? How do they make it so sturdy? While getting chips and knicks every once in awhile may lead you to believe that auto glass isn’t very strong at all, it’s actually designed to withstand all sorts of weights and pressures as you drive. From that pothole you didn’t see all the way to that mega-bug that flies into your screen at 60 miles per hour, auto glass is a wonder to behold. But how do they do it?

The Two Types of Glass

There are generally two types of glass that are used when car manufacturers are creating the safe surroundings of your car. Both of these types of glass are referred to as “safety glass,” as they break into smaller pieces rather than the large, dangerous shards that the windows in your house might break into. The first type of glass is called laminated glass, which is predominantly used for windshields. The second type of glass is called tempered glass, which is used for the other areas of the car.

How’s It Done?

Windshield glass, or laminated glass, is created by squeezing a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) between two pieces of glass, which is then sealed through heat and pressure. This causes a strong chemical bond in the glass, allowing the glass resistance to breakage during impact. Incidentally, it also blocks up to 95% of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Tempered glass also receives a heating treatment, but is then rapidly cooled, which stresses the glass into having approximately 10 times the strength of normal glass for your automobile's windshield.

The Safety Factor

You might not think about your automobile glass very much, but it’s actually part of the safety equipment in your vehicle. Without reinforced glass, every time you shut your car door or even hit a speed bump, you’d be faced with yet another crack or break. By not allowing the windows to shatter into large shards, it also protects the vehicle occupants from additional cuts. However, failing to get a knick or chip in your auto glass repaired, particularly in the windshield area, can cause a destabilization factor, which can lead to a less safe ride. If you notice something, it’s better to get it fixed right away than to wait for a major crack to form.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Thursday, April 10, 2014

4 Reasons You May Need Auto Body Repair

Is there anything sadder than a dent in your ride? There are many reasons why you may need to go visit your local auto body shop for a repair, with some more common than the other. Having a reliable auto body shop on your side is essential as a car owner. Not only can auto body work keep your car looking great, it can also offer preventative measures should you notice small scratches or spots of rust. What are some of the most common reasons you might need the services of an auto body shop?

1) You've been in a fender bender.

Probably the number one reason people seek out auto body repair is due to an accident they've had. This can either be serious, or just a minor ding. While it may be tempting to try to put off any repairs, even minor scratches from an accident can eventually turn in to larger scale problems, like rust or corrosion.

2) You've noticed some post-winter problems.

The winter can really take its toll on your car's paint job and body work. There's corrosion from salt and scratches from that essential gravel that's everywhere around. Getting your car a yearly check-up is important after a particularly tough winter, so take the time to look everywhere for potential problems. Failing to act on even a tiny scratch can be a serious rust repair later on down the road.

3) Your car just isn't what it used to be.

Have you fallen out of love with the look of your car? Have the dents, dings and fading paint made it difficult for you to want to give it the same love and attention you used to when you first bought it? Auto body repair shops can offer a whole range of solutions to rev up the look of your car, from buffering out scratches to a whole new paint job. Speak to your auto body repair shop to find out what's available, and what it can do to improve your car's looks.

4) You're restoring an old car.

Many people across the country love the look and style of old cars, and fixing up that old piece of junk has become a much-loved hobby. However, there are some elements to professional car restoration that should be left to a professional. Dents and dings in the body work, as well as other elements to the body of your car, will generally always come out better if left to the pros. After all, you want all that work to mean something, right?

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Monday, March 31, 2014

Watch That Crack! The Importance Of Quick Auto Glass Repair

There’s nothing worse than hearing that tell-tale crack while you’re on the road. The next thing you know, your windshield has a small chip or a crack. No big deal, right? Wrong. Failing to fix your chipped or cracked auto glass can only result in a future expensive repair. Sure, you may get away with it for a little while. However, there are many factors that could easily leave you dealing with a much bigger mess, or even a dangerous driving situation, should you continue to ignore it.

Cracks & Chips Hate The Cold

Getting a chipped windshield in the winter isn't hard. There’s grit and salt all over the roads which can easily get kicked up by bigger vehicles and thrown onto your windshield. However, as the weather drops to freezing temperatures, the glass in your windshield can expand and contract, causing even the smallest crack to become a huge problem in a matter of minutes. While it’s easy to dismiss a small scratch as “no big deal,” ignoring it can easily lead to a shattered windshield at the slightest touch.

Potholes: Your New Enemy

It’s only a small crack, right? Big deal. However, small chips and cracks in your windshield are a destabilizing factor in the structure of your auto glass. Whether you live in a small town or a big city, potholes on the road are a common fact of life. If you hit one of these at speed, it can easily cause your windshield to “give way” while you’re driving, leaving you with a massive repair or a lap-full of glass. Fixing a small chip or crack is easy and can take less than 30 minutes, ensuring you don’t wind up in a tragic situation down the road.

Yet Another Driver Distraction

Believe it or not, your eyes are drawn to objects on your windshield, particularly when driving long distances or sitting in traffic. This can mean stickers and even cracks can become a dangerous distraction, which can lead to a possible accident or minor fender bender. What’s worse is that minor bump can also crack the rest of your windshield, making putting off getting it repaired a truly terrible idea. Keep yourself safe by dealing with the problem before it becomes a bigger one.

If you’re like most drivers, you might occasionally put off those seemingly “non-essential” repairs due to possible cost or hassle. Getting your auto glass repaired before it becomes a huge problem is actually covered by many auto insurance policies, and can take less than 30 minutes in some circumstances. Check with both your insurance company and auto glass professional for further details. Remember: the longer you put it off, the worse it can become.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

5 Car Restoration Upgrades that Breathe Life Into Your Vehicle

Whether it’s that old beater that you just can’t seem to get rid of or a classic car that you still lovingly care for, an older vehicle requires a little extra TLC to keep it running smoothly and looking great. While some restoration projects are more expensive than others, they can extend your car’s looks and pep, thus keeping you in love with it a little longer. As buying a new car is usually more expensive than a few cosmetic and engine changes, restoring your car can actually help to keep more money in your pocket.

1) Paint Job

As cars age, their paintwork can fade, look rusty or even appear bleached by the sun. Alternatively, you may not have even liked the color to begin with, particularly if you bought the car used. A custom paint job can have your car glowing and looking like new in a matter of hours, and the cost is surprisingly affordable.

2) Seat Covers & Rugs

Few things see more wear and tear in your vehicle than the upholstery and rugs. Spills, stains, burns and just general wear can make you feel like you’re driving a garbage truck rather than a nice-looking car. There are many internet-based companies that can offer you replacement kits for your carpets and seat covers that are custom-fitted to specific makes and models.

3) Wheels & Tires

Anyone who’s ever watched one of the numerous car shows on television knows that the range of wheels and tires on the market is flashier and better than ever before. A new set of wheels can dramatically improve the look of your car, as well as make it look a lot more expensive. Getting a good set of tires can also increase your car’s drivability, giving you a smoother and oftentimes better ride.

4) Bolt-On Turbocharger

If you find yourself jealously watching other, newer vehicles overtake you on the highway, then improving your car’s engine is a must. While this is one of the more expensive restoration options, it can deliver in the speed and drivability stakes. A bolt-on turbocharger can add up to 90 horsepower or more to your sad, lacking car engine,. As this can be a major selling point for later on, be sure you keep the receipt as proof that the work was done. Turbochargers are also a good idea for those looking to get their classic cars restored.

5) Car Detailing

It’s a fact: a dirty car is an ugly car, and an ugly car is an embarrassing one. A professional detailing session can get your car shiny and smelling like new in no time at all, and usually for under $100, depending on what you want done. You can also easily do this yourself with just a quick visit to a car care store.

When you find yourself disliking your car’s looks and general performance, your first thought might be to go new. However, a great paint job and other cosmetic improvements can go a long way to getting you to fall in love with your car again. You don’t even have to bring it flowers afterwards.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Collision Repair: How to Know You're Paying a Fair Price

Unless you’re already a mechanic, chances are you’re a bit clueless when it comes to getting your car repaired after a collision. While you may be primarily concerned with the aesthetics, such as the dings, bumps and scratches in your paint job, damage to your car after an accident can go much deeper than that. After a collision, you’ll need to enlist the aid of a professional. However, if you don’t have the knowledge, how can you be sure you’re getting a fair price? By asking the right questions and requesting documentation, you can keep rip-off merchants at bay and get quality repairs to your car.

Get multiple estimates.
When you’re investing money in any service, particularly one that’s expensive, it’s important to get more than one estimate. As you get various estimates on the costs of repair, it will give you an idea of what the ballpark price should be. Additionally, getting several estimates allows you to negotiate with your mechanic by pointing out that the garage down the road offers the same service for less.

Get a full breakdown of their prices.
Some unscrupulous mechanics may try to pull the wool over your eyes by simply giving you a price for what the repairs will cost. By doing this, it becomes easy to artificially inflate prices. Ask for a full breakdown of what item and repair costs what. A reputable mechanic should provide you with this from the start.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
It’s difficult to ask questions if you don’t feel confident in understanding the answers, but when it comes to collision repair, it’s essential. Ask what each price means and what’s included. For example, is it just the cost of the part, or does it also estimate labor? It’s perfectly okay to ask that they explain something in layman’s terms. If they’re a good mechanic, they should be comfortable with doing that.

Do your research.
The internet can be your best weapon in ensuring that you get the fairest price for the repair work you need. Check online sites such as Yelp or Angie’s List for customer reviews and ratings. Doing so can reveal potential pitfalls before you even drive into the garage.

Ask for references.
Any mechanic worth his motor oil will be able to give you some references of customers that use their services regularly, or point you towards where you can get that information. Like any business, they know that a happy customer is their best advertising. Many auto body shops keep a file of customer letters to show to potential clients.

When you've already been through the trauma of an automobile accident, there’s nothing worse than then having to deal with getting your car repaired. Use caution when finding the right auto body shop and mechanic for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be sure to do your research. By doing so, you’ll save a lot of headaches down the line.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Thursday, February 20, 2014

3 Things that Break Windshields and Auto Glass

Needing to replace or repair the windshield on your car can be a major hassle. Not only does a crack or a break in your windshield provide a major eye sore for your vehicle, it could also lead to you getting a police ticket if you do not replace it.

Cracks and breaks in your windshield could cause your view to be obstructed while driving which could endanger your life as well as others. So what are some things you need to avoid in order to maintain a chip and crack free windshield? Below are 3 enemies to your auto glass.

Rocks or Gravel – It is well known that rocks or gravel can chip or break your windshield, so when you are on the freeway and driving behind a semi-truck or on a gravel road, slow down or move around the gravel truck. The faster you drive in those elements, the likely it is that your car will be struck with rocks or gravel, thus causing a chip or break in your windshield.

Bird Poop – Yes, frozen bird poop has recently been one of the reasons for cracked windshields. If a bird releases its nasty package high enough in the air in a cold temperature, then it is a good chance that it may crack your windshield. Be sure to park your car in areas where birds usually steer clear of. This will help you avoid the situation. Wired.com did a study on bird poop breaking windshields. Be sure to check it out.

Hot Water – Hot water is also known to break windshields during the cold winter months. Main offenders of the hot water breakages are people who are running late for work or in a hurry to get the ice off of their vehicle during the cold season and choose to pour hot water on the windshield for a quick fix. The problem with that, though, is the quick change in temperature from the hot water on the auto glass can cause a crack in your windshield. So if you are warming your car up in the winter season, be sure to plan ahead and warm up your car ahead of time.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Auto Body Damage from Atlanta's 2014 Snowmaggedon? We Can Help!

Last week, Atlanta received 2.6 inches of snow which then proceeded to turn into black ice. The one-day snowfall was ranked as the 20th heaviest in Atlanta, GA which has recorded a daily snowfall of an inch or more 55 times since 1928.

Not only did the city accumulate 2.6 inches of snow, it also created a sense of panic with the residents of Atlanta that created gridlock on the streets and freeways that led to major accidents and caused thousands to be trapped in their vehicles overnight. Many stranded motorists parked their vehicles wherever they were and walked home or to a warming center for the night.

Were you one of the ATLiens that were stuck in the ice storm? Did your car make it out safely? Some motorists who left their cold vehicles to stay warm returned to their vehicle later on to find out that the vehicle they left had been in a crash while they were away. If your car is in need of collision work from the ice storm last week, come to D&I Auto Body for an estimate.

We understand that being in a car accident can be stressful, so let us give you quality and affordable collision repair in a timely manner. As one of the leading Atlanta Auto Body Shops, we will take away your stress and anxiety and give you peace of mind as your vehicle is being repaired by experts.

We have experience with luxury and domestic vehicles of all kinds and we handle all of our customers with professionalism, efficiency, and courtesy. We have been serving Atlanta as a leading auto body shop for over two decades and we take pride in providing the best service possible to our customers.

Need some collision work done on your vehicle? Give us a call at the number below.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Friday, January 17, 2014

3 ways you can cheat yourself when choosing an auto body shop for collision repair

“Bury the deductible” Some car owners try to save money on the deduction portion of the collision repair by asking the repair shop to hide the deductible. Your insurance policy is a contract with you and your insurance carrier. In that policy it states that if you have a collision loss you are responsible for some of the repairs and that is why you are required to pay a deductible. By trying to hide your deductible, you are conspiring to insurance fraud and it is against the law. If you are found guilty you could go to jail and pay hefty fines. If an auto body shop agrees to hide the portion you pay for repairs, then don’t trust that auto body shop for your collision repair. They could also be doing a second rate job on fixing your vehicle correctly which also may require you to pay extra money.

 “Approved auto body shops” When you get into an accident, some insurance adjusters will give you a list of approved auto body shops that they recommend that you go to. It is illegal for an insurance company to require that you take your vehicle to a certain auto body shop. They can recommend, but if the insurance adjuster is requiring you to use a specific repair facility, it may be because that shop is cheaper than other shops. You shouldn’t choose an auto body shop because it is cheaper, because they may do a second rate job and that’s why they are cheaper. You should go to someone you trust who has high reviews and great customer service to handle your car. If your insurance adjuster will not let you choose an auto body shop that suits your needs, then report them to the state insurance commissioner.

“Demand OEM parts” When you go to the auto body shop to get your vehicle repaired, you can demand only new factory OEM parts but you should review your insurance policy to see if you signed off on the use of aftermarket parts. Some insurance companies call them “Quality Replacement Parts” but they are aftermarket parts which are copies of the real factory parts made in a different plant overseas. Sometimes these parts don’t fit as well as the original factory parts so make sure that in your insurance policy you are requesting new OEM parts because if they don’t fit, you will be charged to redo the repairs and have to pay for it out of pocket.

More about D&I Body Shop
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575