Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Restoring Classic Cars with Quality Paint & Body Work

Some people golf and others play tennis, but if you're a car lover, restoring a classic car to it's previous glory can be a huge, yet totally rewarding, undertaking.

While you may be an expert at getting that engine revving and lovingly restoring that leather interior, there are some things that are best left to the experts.

Hammering out dents and dings from years of service and getting a custom paint job can mean the difference between a beautiful, classic ride and a clunky old beater. So which jobs are better left to the pros?

Automotive Body Work

While you may consider yourself an expert at getting that old car beautiful again, there are just some dents and dings that you can't fix. They may have been long-standing problems that will require some sanding to get rid of rust, or they may be large enough where your home tools just won't do the job. Make a list of what needs looking at and visit your trusted professional auto body shop. They will be able to give you an estimate on the costs and go over with you exactly what needs to be done.

Restoring A Paint Job

If your classic car has seen its share of road time, chances are it may be suffering from fading, scratches or other elements that can take away from its original paint job. However, that doesn't mean you have to live with it. Getting a classic car a gorgeous new paint job can immediately make the car look showroom new. Additionally, why not think about some added details, such as pinstripes, flames or other elements that will really set your wheels apart from the others.

There's a saying that if you're going to do a job right, do it yourself. However, this isn't true when it comes to restoring a classic car to its former glory. Calling in the professionals to ensure you get the best look is never a bad idea. When you're planning a classic restoration job, be sure to leave room in your budget to consult with the pros. They may even have ideas and suggestions that you haven't even thought about.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575

Friday, July 18, 2014

Had an accident? Ways to tell you need serious auto repair

Having to pay for serious auto repair after an accident can be a huge loss to those who can’t afford the deductible or are without insurance.

While driving your car after an accident without getting it repaired can seem like a good idea, there may be underlying problems that your car could have sustained in the accident. Here are a few ways to tell your car may need serious auto repair after an accident:

Your car drives different

Whether you were in a minor fender bender, or a pile up accident; if your car drives differently than it did before the accident, then you may need serious auto repair. If your car looks like the bumper may have been dented, but after the accident you hear weird sounds or your car is driving different than before, then you should get your car checked out with an auto body specialist. The accident that you think is minor could have been major for your car, so save yourself a few bucks in the long run and get your car checked out before it turns into something serious.

Your car is making sounds

If your car is making a sound that you don’t recognize after an accident, then you should get it checked out by an Atlanta Auto Body Expert. When a car makes unusual sounds that is the car’s way of telling you that you need to get something checked out. While that fender bender may seem like it did minimal damage, it could have actually done more damage than you think. When you ignore small car problems and sounds that your car makes, in the long-run it could turn into something worse so you should always get it checked out immediately. You want your car to last as long as it possibly can and one way to do that is to get problems fixed as soon as they occur.

More about D&I Body Shop, Inc.
1779 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 885-9575