Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ways to Avoid Getting a Cracked Windshield

Few car issues are more annoying than a cracked windshield, which you can see in front of you as soon as it happens. The crack doesn’t just look bad, it’s potentially dangerous - especially if it gets bigger, or distracts you from paying attention to the road. How can you avoid this type of damage to your windshield? Well, you won’t always be successful, but you can minimize your risk of getting a cracked windshield.

 Cracked Windshield

Heed Warning Signs

If there’s a sign saying that construction is ahead, take note and slow down to the posted work zone speed limit. Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Stay focused and alert. Watch for debris on the road, and for vehicles with loads that aren’t properly tied down.

Don’t Tailgate Construction Vehicles

The safest distance for being behind a construction vehicle is about 200 feet. If a truck is moving loose gravel, wood chips, dirt, or other materials, drivers should have them tied down under tarps - but that doesn’t always protect you, and sometimes tarps can be worn or torn. You can be hit by debris flying straight off the truck, or by rocks that are shot at your windshield after someone drives over it.

Slow Down on Gravel Roads 

Often found in rural areas, gravel roads can be hard on tires and are infamous for cracked windshields. Slow down and make sure you’re not too close to cars in front of you if you are driving along one of these to get to your destination.

Avoid Severe Temperature and Pressure Changes

If at all possible, keep your car in a garage where it’s safe from hail and bad weather. If that’s not possible, do what you can to avoid sudden and severe temperature changes. For example, warm it up properly in cold weather.

Drastic, frequent changes of this type can cause expansion and contraction in the glass, weakening its structure. Direct sunlight can cause cracks because the frit that holds the glass in place, plus the seal, are both black and absorb heat. This can make the glass less stable. And pressure changes can cause stress cracks.

Make Sure Your Car Is Well-Maintained

windshield repair atlanta ga
Sometimes, your car is the problem, because it wasn’t properly constructed, or the windshield wasn’t properly installed. Next time you visit a mechanic you trust, have your windshield checked out to make sure it is safe and sound. Inspect your windshield frequently so you can see if problems are developing.

If cracks are forming in your windshield, you should make repairs quickly because they can quickly spread and become dangerous. If that should happen, you may have to repair the entire windshield. Don’t put off the work! Visit D&I for expert auto glass repair at

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